Gulliver Travels - Grade 2

REF NO. : ISBN 978-81-7379-751-4
  • Board : CBSE BOARD

Gulliver's Travels

Jonathan Swift

One of the most liked classics, “Gulliver’s Travels” has a universal appeal. The wonderful adventures of a ship’s doctor have fascinated and amused readers all over the world. Young and old have loved the stories about the tiny Lilliputians and the giant Brobdingnagians. Wherever English is spoken or read, Lemuel Gulliver’s strange adventures have left their mark. Readers till date remember Jonathan Swift for giving them immense joy through this fascinating story.

Grade Key

Grade 1 (8 to 9 years) 1000 headwords
Grade 3 (10 to 11 years) 2000 headwords
Grade 2 (9 to 10 years) 1500 headwords
Grade 4 (11 to 12 years) 3000 headwords


Graded Classics

This series, consisting of classics from English literature, is intended to promote the habit of reading in young children. The stories are adapted and simplified for young readers of different age groups and language proficiency. The headwords indicate the active vocabulary of a child in the relevant age group. This series also enhances comprehension and learning through:

  • A variety of comprehension exercises
  • Amazing activities and projects
  • Added information on movie and theatre adaptations
  • Web links